Friday, October 25, 2013

ADC Pedestrian Bridge Swings into Place

 crazy amazing feat of engineering... to move something that weights 20,000 lbs and is 40 feet long by 16 feet wide with a tolerance of inches for where it needs to land! all went without a hitch! Thank You!  Come see for yourself under the Haywood Road Bridge in the River Arts District & Jean Webb Park!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

New Belgium Brewery Moves Forward

At the meeting of the NBB Neighborhood Leadership Roundtable, General Manager Jay Richardson & Project Manager Jim Spencer gave an overview of the timetable for the Brewery build out thru 2016.  COA Craven Street Improvement Project Coordinator, McCray Coates informed that the complete streets build out is expected to happen starting this winter thru the end of 2014 and will be a well coordinated dance between NBB & COA, with meetings already happening every week.  To stay informed, click on "subscribe via email" at NBB Asheville.


The Craven Street Infrastructure Project, being implemented by the City of Asheville as part of the New Belgium Brewery East Coast Expansion, includes a roadway realignment @ Hazel Mill Road, Emma Road & Craven Street, as well as new complete streets design for all of Craven Street.  A complete street includes sidewalks, bike lanes, on street parking, street trees & storm water amenities.  There will is also a section of greenway that is included in this project on the west bank of the French Broad River from just south of the Haywood Road Bridge up to the Craven Street Bridge.  In addition, there will be two parking lots just north of Craven Street, on Buncombe County owned property that used to house the Buncombe County Schools Maintenance Facility.  These parking lots will be for use by the public when visiting New Belgium or the new greenway.

In Fall 2013, the Metropolitan Sewerage District completed its infrastructure improvements @ Hazel Mill Road.  Right of Way agreements are being worked out & construction on Craven Street is scheduled to start late Spring 2014.  Contact McCray Coates @ the COA via the NBB portal & click on questions or concern for contact info.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

AARRC rides the Craggy Mountain Line

 Thanks to the generosity of Rocky Hollifield and his group of dedicated volunteers, the AARRC was carried along an interesting perspective of the Riverfront in Woodfin, NC, via the Craggy Mountain Rail Line.  Woodfin has some lovely riverfront parks as well as an amazing small business incubator started by Bill Goacher & friends, who also helped nurture the River Arts District in Asheville, NC.  

We passed the old "Crusher" plant that the Town of Woodfin has successfully started to remediate with the help of NC DENR & Asheville Greenworks volunteers... was the largest tire dump in WNC
We stopped on the parcel of property donated to the Town of Woodfin by the Silver Family of Silverline Plastics in 2011.  The Town of Woodfin is hosting a planning session for its newest riverfront park on Monday, October 28, 2013 from 6:30 to 8pm @ the Woodfin Town hall 90 Elk Mountain Road.  Please come join in the conversation!